Your doing a great job! I simply want you to continue. we understand when you can't blog daily, I know it's hard work. Maybe a few historical package designs or antique packaging.
Currently, i'm looking for some great industrial packaging. Things not necessarily meant for the consumer. If you find any, i'd love to see it! Again, great work!
It is absolutely great site. I love all your site. It is also a good reference. If it is possible, I would like you to publish more experimental packaging.
Japanese Food Packaging Designs!
what i see is great!!!!!!
maybe more packaging!!! but always in the same level!!!
thank you marcel!
i shall try to get japanese food package designs. the problem i face is i cant find the designers so it gets tough to give credit.
Your doing a great job!
I simply want you to continue. we understand when you can't blog daily, I know it's hard work. Maybe a few historical package designs or antique packaging.
pyl! was, am and always will be a big fan of this blog. What i'd like to see more of is packaging design for stationery items.
Hi, I have just come across your blog and I agree with marcel batlle. Great site with lots of quality work and inspiration! Keep it up.
I Hope it can show more package design about gift
your taste is quite good^^if you can update faster will be better
hey, more good packaging, please
this is a very good compilation, don't leave it! congratulations!!
Currently, i'm looking for some great industrial packaging. Things not necessarily meant for the consumer. If you find any, i'd love to see it! Again, great work!
you wouldn't happen to know of any digital package design templates out there would you? I am searching all over the place :)
It is absolutely great site. I love all your site. It is also a good reference. If it is possible, I would like you to publish more experimental packaging.
more fashion packaging!
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